Warning: Undefined array key "HTTP_REFERER" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 34

Warning: Undefined global variable $_SESSION in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 42

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 102

Warning: Undefined array key "X-REAL-IP" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 104

Warning: Undefined array key "mdt" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 110

Warning: Undefined variable $busqueda in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/textos.inc.php on line 43

Warning: Undefined variable $busqueda in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/textos.inc.php on line 43

Warning: Undefined variable $busqueda in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/textos.inc.php on line 44

Warning: Undefined variable $busqueda in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/textos.inc.php on line 45

Warning: Undefined variable $pattern in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/lib/precarga.php on line 11

Warning: Undefined array key "id" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 25

Warning: Undefined variable $id in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 37

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 7

Warning: preg_replace(): The /e modifier is no longer supported, use preg_replace_callback instead in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 7

Warning: Undefined variable $itemU in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 129

Warning: Undefined array key "n" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 410

Warning: Undefined variable $color in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 419

Warning: Undefined variable $blog_estilo in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 419

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 419

Warning: Undefined variable $itemU in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 179

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 858

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 859

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 860

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 861

Warning: Undefined variable $filtroG in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 862

Warning: Undefined variable $filtroR in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 863

Warning: Undefined variable $filtroG in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 865

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 867

Warning: Undefined variable $filtro in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 869

Warning: Undefined variable $filtroR in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 871

Warning: Undefined variable $filtros in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 890

Warning: Undefined variable $filtros in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 903

Warning: Undefined variable $idUser in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1143

Warning: Undefined variable $aliasUrl in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1143

Warning: Undefined variable $idioma in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Undefined variable $idioma in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Undefined variable $idioma in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Trying to access array offset on null in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1152

Warning: Undefined variable $filtroList in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1173

Warning: Undefined array key "01" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "02" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "03" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "04" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "06" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "07" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "08" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "09" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 10 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 11 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 12 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "01" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "02" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "03" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "05" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "06" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "07" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "08" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "09" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 10 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 11 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 12 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "01" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "02" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "03" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "04" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "05" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "06" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key "07" in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 10 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 11 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined array key 12 in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/funciones.inc.php on line 1182

Warning: Undefined variable $itemU in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 185

Warning: Undefined variable $contenidoAdsense in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/precarga.inc.php on line 265
Cuaderno de Entradas - Lupus Warning: Undefined variable $itemU in /srv/vhosts/madteam.net/httpdocs/blog2.0/index.php on line 69
 Lupus Lupus
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Tuesday 26 de May de 2009, 13:47:29
Tipo de Entrada: CUADERNO | 3 Comentarios | 31944 visitas

     Los rayos del sol reflejan en la nieve espejos de luz diamantina. La claridad deslumbrante nos ciega con su corona de gloria en la ya cercana cumbre. Luz que abrasa, canto de sirena que enmudece a esa otra voz que nos alerta de su fulgor mortal.      Oímos crujidos en boca de nieve
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Wednesday 30 de April de 2008, 09:16:34
Tipo de Entrada: CUADERNO | 4 Comentarios | 6941 visitas

                                                                  El viento trae su voz, suave en el valle y recia en las crestas; musita con  labios incorpóreos, la esencia de su palabra. El arroyo murmura su nombre; quedo como la
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Monday 10 de September de 2007, 15:04:59
El rostro de la montaña ...
Tipo de Entrada: CUADERNO | 2 Comentarios | 3354 visitas

       Oquedades y fisuras curten su piel rugosa. Esculpe de aristas su pétrea silueta, oscurecida por la sombra del tiempo y blanqueada por el aliento del invierno ... Es  su rostro: la cara de la montaña.      Deseo acariciarla sin prisas y explorar con los dedos su perfil; clavar m
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Friday 10 de August de 2007, 17:47:04
Voz en la montaña ...
Tipo de Entrada: CUADERNO | 1 Comentarios | 3085 visitas

  La montaña tiene voz: unas veces de tono fuerte y recio para dulcificarse en un susurro de paz, tranquilo y sosegado. Otras, armónica y generosa, manantial de palabras que inundan de sentimientos el alma. Me gusta oir su voz; hace brotar, dentro de mí, luz ... Ella, con su voz, es quien me h
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